Garry Gotfredson, DVM

One of the things that Sterling Practice Management in Glendale, CA does is they help us find people that are motivated. They also give us a testing system, that we would like to use more, that says, "OK, are these guys going to be top-notch employees?"

We already want to hire a "10" employee and then just train them on the job. And so one of the things that they've helped us do is find that "10" employee, and if they're not a number 10, like—pass. Management by statistics went hand-in-hand with kind of how my mind works. As business owners, we look at these numbers: are they hitting the projection that we want so that we can be successful? Are we collecting as much as we're billing out?  And by tracing those, we can look at it and take the temperature on our practice and fix before it crashes or gets sicker, and bring it back up to where we need it to be.

And our consultant with Sterling Practice Management, at their Glendale, CA office, helps us and guides us through that. We're open and we keep the statistics known so the staff is fully aware of what we're doing, and that has made it like a game, an overall game, so everybody knows exactly where we stand, by our statistics, where they stand as an individual, and how they can help our business. Our consultant we've had, we met her, you know, on one of the first days that we signed up for the program. She is in touch with us, I'd say, every two weeks. We make contact—whether it takes 30 minutes, two hours, whatever the time is that we need. We address every concern.

Our success is their success. And they truly want to help you as an individual. Yes, they want to see your business grow. They want their business to grow, but on a personal level, they want to help you. – Garry Gotfredson, DVM and Nicole Gotfredson